Staurakios 12

Prosopography of the Byzantine Empire
FloruitE IX
Dates811 (taq) / 813 (taq)
TitlesAugustus (office);
Emperor (office)
Textual SourcesVita Ignatii Patriarchae, by Nicetas (BHG 817), PG 105.488-574) (hagiography)

Staurakios 12 was one of the five children (παῖδες οἱ πάντες, πέντε λέγουσι γενέσθαι) of the emperor Michael I (Michael 7) and Prokopia 1; he was brother of Theophylaktos 9 and Ignatios 1 (Niketas); he had two sisters, Georgo 1 and Theophano 2; he was the emperor Michael I (Michael 7)'s second son; during his father's reign Staurakios 12 and Theophylaktos 9 received the imperial crown (Θεοφύλακτος ... καὶ ὁ Σταυράκιος, ἀμφότεροι τῷ διαδήματι πρῶτον τῆς βασιλείας ἐστεφάνωται), but Staurakios 12 died, still young (κομιδῇ νέος ὢν ἔτι), while his father Michael 7 was still emperor (811/813): Nicetas, Vita Ignatii 492A-B.\n

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