Eustathios 62

Prosopography of the Byzantine Empire
FloruitE IX
LocationsAlexandria (officeplace)
TitlesArchbishop, Alexandria (Egypt) (office);
Bishop, Alexandria (Egypt) (office);
Patriarch, Alexandria (Egypt) (office);
Pope, Alexandria (Egypt) (office)
Textual SourcesEutychius, Annales, Latin tr. in PG 111. 907-1156;Das Annalenwerk des Eutychius von Alexandrien. ...kompiliert von Sa'îd ibn Batrîq CSCO 471-472; Eutychii PatriarchaeAlexandrini Annales CSCO 50-51 (chronicle)

Eustathios 62 was patriarch of Alexandria in succession to Politianos 1, supposedly in year sixteen of Harun al-Rashid (al-Rashid 1); formerly a worker with flax, he became a monk and later head of his monastery and was subsequently made patriarch of Alexandria, a post which he occupied for four years: Eutychius Alex. 1128A. For his dates, 813 to 817, see Grumel, Chronologie, p. 443.

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